Backpacking MB - Trek 1

On Saturday morning four Scouts from Troop 288 set off into the Birkhead Mountains Wilderness area of the Uwharrie National Forest just southwest of Albemarle, N.C. With a common goal in mind everyone  loaded backpacks with the essentials for their first backcountry trek. 

Ready to go at the Robbins Branch Trailhead

Scouts (and their parents) made quick work of the first three and a half miles, of the moderate Robbins Branch Trail before stopping for a lunch break at the Thornburg Trail spur with. Along the way Gavin keep a close eye on the map keeping the group on track. 

Our plan was to setup camp between mile 5 and 6. As it often does when backpacking, we ended walking to mile 6.5 before heading back and setting camp at about mile 6. All in the Scouts logged 7 miles on Saturday. 

After setting up camp Scoutmaster Peine showed the Scouts how to baton wood, in order to use the wood found on the ground but expose the dry part of the wood. 

As everyone broke out and began to settle into camp we discovered a better camping site, not 100 yards from where we initially setup camp. The Scouts voted to relocate for the night. 

Fire building and dinner preparations. 

As the sun went down and the temperature dropped everyone warmed their feet by the fire. 

After breakfast and breaking camp on Sunday we hiked our final mile for the weekend. In total the Scouts logged about 8 miles. 

 Stay tuned for the next Trek ...

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  1. Fun trip, scouts learned a lot, and it didn't rain!

  2. I think this was close to a perfect trip in terms or weather and route.


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